Experiences with the easycap DC60 audio and video capture adapter on Linux

This Blog is dedicated to all owners of the STK1160 chip based EasyCAP (or identical) devices, who want to use it under Linux.

Activating audio for the STK1160 device: read the this post

German speaking users: read my article on ubuntuusers.de

The EasyCAP DC60 and its clones are cheap little USB analogue capturing devices which can be used for viewing and recording video under Linux from different sources like VHS tape recorders, satellitereceivers, camcorders ...

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Switching the channels/ inputs while capturing

While capturing (with mplayer or any other program) you can change the active input channel with this command in the terminal:

v4l2-ctl -d /dev/video0 -i 1

The -d option of the v4l2-ctl command selects the videodevice, it is not needed if there is only one (/dev/video0) in the system.

The -i option selects/ changes the input channel of your device.

The v4l2-ctl utility is part of the v4l-utils package.


With the "Qt V4L2 test utility" program (qv4l2) you can test switching the inputs.
In this program there is a drop down menu where you can select the different inputs while capturing.